Welcome to Alfred University

Information for 威尔斯大学学生

To say that we are very disappointed to learn of the announcement of Wells College's closing doesn’t compare to how you must be feeling now. 和, no doubt, you have many questions about what to do next.


We know its been a stressful time, our promise to you is to make 你的 transition from Wells College to Alfred University a simple one, keeping you on-time to graduate with the degree you've been working toward. 和 we'll be with you each step of the way.

The Alfred University community st和s ready to help you realize 你的 educational dream 和 finish 你的 academic degree. As we say in our mission statement, "We help students realize their purpose."

Alfred University is financially stable, having just received a credit rating from St和ard 和 Poor’s of BBB+ combined with a “stable” financial outlook. Since our founding in 1836, we have become renowned for the values of inclusivity, intersections 和 mentorship. These values ensure we support positive, healthy relationships across campus. Our student-centered philosophy gives students of all levels easy access to research 和 faculty engagements that many do not experience until much later in graduate work.

和, we're pleased to extend to Wells College students the same terms they have if they transfer to Alfred University.


重要的事情先做. It's critical that you let us know you're considering Alfred University as 你的 teach-out school of choice for the Fall semester. The good news is that we've created a streamlined application process just for Wells students.


Have general questions about Alfred's teach-out agreement with Wells, 转移学分, 生活在阿尔弗雷德, extracurricular activities or athletics? 联系 克里斯汀Vargason, Director of Enrollment Strategic Planning & 转移招生你的 new primary contact at Alfred University!


If you've decided to transfer to Alfred to finish 你的 degree – or even if you haven't – why not 来参观一下? For virtually all of our prospective students, a visit to Alfred confirms that this is the place for them. Want to visit Alfred before you make 你的 final decision but need help with lodging or travel costs? Tell us when you plan to visit 和 我们会做到的!

Here you'll experience a peaceful but lively valley campus, beautiful surroundings, lots to do 和 plenty of friendly 和 supportive faculty, staff 和 classmates you'll soon call 你的 friends.

Welcome to Alfred University!



Discover for 你的self why Alfred University is Outside of Ordinary!



Learning includes living. In addition to guaranteed housing, you'll enjoy great meals with great friends in our dining centers with food sourced from local farms.

健身 和 娱乐 健康

健身 & 娱乐

We offer a variety of programs in order to provide the entire campus with the opportunity to stay active.



Wells College students who would like to complete their degree at Alfred University are encouraged to begin their transfer process as soon as possible. Wells students may bypass our full transfer application process simply by completing this form.


Whether transferring to Alfred University from 10 miles away or 10,000, you've found 你的 home at Alfred University.


From South Africa to Alfred New York

"In South Africa, it’s seen as a great privilege 和 opportunity to be able to study in America. I am beyond grateful to be able to do this in such a gorgeous, friendly 和 supportive environment."

Talulla Torthe, 2022
Find out more about Talulla