生活 & Physical 科学

Gain a wide breadth of knowledge in the sciences

If your interests in science are wide-ranging, Alfred University's 生活 & Physical 科学 major is designed for you. Students looking for an interdisciplinary approach & a broad scope of education in the sciences enjoy a flexible, balanced curriculum and an ability to concentrate in four distinct tracks.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


生活 & Physical 科学 (BA)

none offered

Students must successfully complete the following breadth and depth courses:


Core 课程:

  • 化学 105 General 化学 I & Lab - 4 credits
  • ENVS 101 Environmental Studies I - Natural Science - 4 credits
  • MATH 151 Calculus I - 4 credits
  • 理论物理 111/125 Physics I - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 150 Biological Foundations - 4 credits
Take one of the following:
  • GEOL 101 This Dynamic Earth - 4 credits
  • GEOL 104 - Earth & 生活 Through Time - 4 credits
  • GEOL 201 Surficial 地质 - 4 credits


In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the major in 生活 & Physical 科学, as well as the College of Liberal 艺术 & 科学 general education requirements, you'll be required to complete the College's First Year Experience Program or Transfer Student Program.

View general education requirements.

If you're infatuated with science - but not just one science - this track is built for you.

  • 化学 106 General 化学 II & Lab - 4 credits
  • 理论物理 112/116 Physics II - 4 credits


  • MATH 152 Calculus II - 4 credits
  • CSCI 156 Computer Science I - 4 credits


  • 医学杂志 130 Introduction to Human Genetics - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 207 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 211 Cell Biology - 4 credits

Take one of the following, not duplicated in the core:

  • ENVS 205 Environmental Data Analysis - 4 credits
  • ENVS 220 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems - 4 credits
  • GEOL 101 This Dynamic Earth - 4 credits
  • GEOL 104 Earth & 生活 Through Time - 4 credits
  • GEOL 106 Elementary Oceanography - 4 credits
  • GEOL 201 Surficial 地质 - 4 credits

+, a minimum of 10 credits at the 300 level or above from one of the disciplines represented or 合作伙伴.

Interested in the real world/technical applications of science? This track relies heavily on our top-tier engineering program allowing you to take anywhere from 7 to 14 credits from a variety of introductory or upper-level engineering courses.

  • 化学 106 General 化学 II & Lab- 4 credits
  • 理论物理 112/116 Physics II - 4 credits
  • MATH 152 Calculus II - 4 credits
  • ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering - 2 credits
  • ENGR 102 Computer 援助ed Design - 2 credits

Take four of (20 credits):

  • ENGR 111 Explorations in Biomaterials - 1 credit
  • ENGR 112 Explorations in Ceramic Engineering - 1 credit
  • ENGR 113 Explorations in Renewable Energy Engineering - 1 credit
  • ENGR 114 Explorations in Glass Engineering - 1 credit
  • ENGR 115 Explorations in Materials Science & Engineering - 1 credit
  • ENGR 116 Explorations in Mechanical Engineering - 1 credit

Take remainder of credits from (30 credits):

  • CEMS 203 Introduction to Ceramic Powder & Processing - 3 credits
  • CEMS 214 Structure & Properties of Materials - 3 credits
  • ENGR 210 Discovery & Disaster - 2 credits
  • MECH 211 Statistics - 3 credits
  • RNEW 201 Renewable Energy - 3 credits
  • RNEW 255 Power System Operation & Economics - 3 credits
  • CEMS 314 Ceramic Processing Principles - 3 credits
  • CEMS 316 Chemical Processing in Ceramics - 3 credits
  • CEMS 318 Refractories - 3 credits
  • ENGR 305 Engineering Statistics - 3 credits
  • ENGR 306 Engineering Economics - 2 credits
  • RNEW 303 Software Engineering - 4 credits
  • RNEW 310 Fuel Cell Principles & Technology - 3 credits
  • CEMS 352  Electroceramics - 3 credits
  • CEMS 368 Introduction to Bioengineering - 3 credits
  • MATH 253 Calculus II - 4 credits
  • MATH 271 Differential Equations - 4 credits
  • MATH 281 Foundations of Higher Mathematics - 4 credits
  • MATH 371 Linear Algebra - 4 credits
  • MATH 381 Mathematical Statistics - 4 credits

Or, a minimum of 10 credits at the 300 level or above from ENGR, 合作伙伴, 化学, 医学杂志, 理论物理, GEOL or ENVS (at least 3 credits must be from engineering).

If you love to write and/or speak in public - but also love science - this track is for you. Science and the results of scientific experimentation are often misunderstood by the public and inaccurately represented by the media. People who understand science and who are proficient in communicating are critical.

Take three of:

  • ENGR 110 Technical Communications - 4 credits
  • COMM 101 Introduction to Communication Studies - 4 credits
  • COMM 110 Mass Media & American 生活 - 4 credits
  • COMM 205 Introductory 新闻 writing & Reporting - 4 credits


  • COMM 200 Topics in Communications - 2 to 4 credits
  • COMM 302 Public Relations Principles - 4 credits
  • COMM 309 Persuasion: Reception & Responsibility - 4 credits

Take one of, not duplicated in the core:

  • 化学 106 General 化学 II  & Lab- 4 credits
  • 理论物理 112/126 Physics II - 4 credits
  • ENVS 205 Environmental Data Analysis - 4 credits
  • ENVS 220 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems - 4 credits
  • GEOL 101 This Dynamic Earth - 4 credits
  • GEOL 104 Earth & 生活 Through Time - 4 credits
  • GEOL 106 Elementary Oceanography - 4 credits
  • GEOL 201 Surficial 地质 - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 130 Introduction to Human Genetics - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 207 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology I - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 211 Cell Biology - 4 credits

+, a minimum of 10 credits at the 300 level or above from Engineering OR one of the Science fields (including 合作伙伴).

Accepted into one of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) articulation agreements? (恭喜!) This track is reserved for you! It is especially designed for you to complete your Alfred University major and the general science requirements using courses that will easily transfer to LECOM.

  • 化学 106 General 化学 I & Lab - 4 credits
  • 化学 315 Organic 化学 I & Lab - 4 credits
  • 化学 316 Organic 化学 II & Lab - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 211 Cell Biology - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 212 Genetics - 4 credits

Combined minimum of 10 credits from these courses:

  • 化学 400 Topics in 化学 - 2 to 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 302 General Microbiology - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 307 Anatomy & Physiology: Nerves, Muscles, Skeleton - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 308 Anatomy & Physiology: Viscera - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 315 Genetics & Evolution of Populations - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 420 Biochemistry: Proteins & Metabolism - 4 credits
  • 医学杂志 400 Topics in Biology - 2 to 4 credits

生活 & Physical 科学 majors have found interesting and rewarding employment in a wide range of careers thanks to the breadth the program offers. The experience and qualifications acquired throughout their studies, research projects and internships enable graduates to work as professionals in government regulatory departments, in private industry, and with private general sciences-related consulting firms. Many of our graduates continue on to graduate school.

General Science Track 结果

Career Options:

  • Lab 技术员
  • Elementary Education (would require an additional degree)
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • Nature Center Guide
  • Science Museum Guide
  • Technical Writer
  • 专利法yer

研究生 School Combinations:

  • MBA 4+1 program with pharmaceutical sales rep
  • Law school - patent law

Applied Science

Career Options:

  • 技术员
  • 起草者
  • 专利法
  • Safety 技术员
研究生 School Combinations:
  • Law school - patent law

Science Communications

Career Options:

  • Science Journalist
  • Science Writer
  • Science Editor
  • 专利法
  • Technical Writer
  • Pharmaceutical Public Relations
  • Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Sales Representative

研究生 School Combinations:

  • Law school - patent law

Human 健康 科学

Career Options:

  • 药剂师
  • 牙医
  • Osteopathic Medicine

研究生 School:

  • Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) - pharmacy, dentistry or osteopathic programs

Similar 项目

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