
支持对抗疗法 & 保证被LECOM接受的整骨疗法

如果你想在在线赌博毕业后上医学院的话, 了解我们的医学预科建议如何为您准备一个先进的课程轨道.







LECOM has special 提前录取计划s with Alfred University that grants qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. EAP的申请与本科学院的申请是分开的.

学生可以在高中毕业时申请EAP. 目前在读的本科生也可以申请, 他们应该联系学校的前健康顾问,看看他们是否符合条件. Students must submit their inquiry form before the beginning of their third year at Alfred University.


  • 的 LECOM phase of this program may be completed in Erie, PA, Greensburg, PA or in Bradenton, FL. 参加EAP考试的学生可以免考称MCAT. 不需要AACOMAS申请.
  • 的 student must have a provisional letter of acceptance in the EAP before starting their third year at the undergraduate institution. Upon completing four years of undergraduate study and meeting certain GPA and other requirements, 他们于次年7月进入LECOM. LECOM的毕业生获得骨科医学博士学位.


Students apply to enroll in the EAP by following the link “提前录取计划 Inquiry” found on the 我的LECOM门户. LECOM将审核申请. 学生必须达到要求才能成功.


  • 一定是U.S. 公民或永久居民(国际学生可申请药学);
  • 不得具有学士及以上学历;
  • 在艾尔弗雷德大学的全日制学生必须至少有两年的剩余时间;
  • SAT Score (Math and Verbal Reasoning) greater than or equal to 1170 on a single exam taken before 3/1/16, a SAT score of 1240 or higher on a single exam taken after 3/1/16 or an ACT Composite score greater than or equal to 26 on a single exam;
  • 高中平均成绩3分.5对4.0级或更高.
  • Students already attending Alfred University must have at least a cumulative overall GPA of 3.2,理科平均绩点3.1或更高


如果学生符合要求, LECOM will offer the student a list of EAP interview dates to self-schedule an interview.


成功的面试之后, LECOM will notify the student that they qualify for a provisional letter of acceptance from LECOM and they will be enrolled for participation in the EAP upon approval by Alfred University of their choice and submission of their school email address to LECOM. 然后,学生和阿尔弗雷德将收到临时录取通知书.


额外的需求, 包括最后向LECOM提出申请, 必须满足的条件才能最终接受LECOM, 但不需要再进行一次面试.


  • 深切关心他人,关心他们的问题和痛苦;
  • 运用他们的技能和知识去帮助别人;
  • 享受学习和获得新的理解;
  • 对人体如何运作感兴趣;
  • 对药物改善生活的方式感兴趣吗.

整骨疗法医生(DO)考虑整个人, 包括物理, 情感, 精神成分. 的y also use a hands-on system of diagnosis and treatment known as osteopathic manipulative medicine. 的y work in partnership with their patients to help each individual maintain their health, 他们可以专攻任何医学领域, 全面实践现代医学, 完成重要的医学研究, 向决策者提供建议, 并在许多方面为社会健康和福祉做出贡献.

对抗疗法是指现代医学科学体系, such as the use of pharmacologically active agents or physical interventions to treat or suppress symptoms or pathophysiologic processes of diseases or conditions. Allopathic physician (MD) responsibilities are varied and mainly relate to the preservation of health, 包括预防性和急症护理. 对抗疗法医生在不同的专业领域执业. 他们也可能将自己的职业生涯奉献给教学或研究.

  • 时间表-学生应参考在线赌博的 Pre-健康时间表 和医学预科课程清单(见下文),以协助他们进行职业规划.
  • 大学专业和必修课程——没有特定的专业要求, 或者说,这是“最好的”追求. 医学院正在寻找受过良好教育和全面发展的人. Students should complete the Pre-Med Curriculum Worksheet to be sure that they have met all requirements.
  • 称MCAT -大多数医学院要求医学院入学考试(称MCAT). 通常是在大三的春季学期. Adequate preparation for this test is essential, since admission to medical school is competitive.
  • 课外活动是申请者材料中非常重要的一部分. 大多数医学院强调志愿社区服务. 必须有一些医疗机构的志愿者经验. 本科研究优先考虑.
  • It is important to get to know faculty members so that they can write appropriate letters of recommendation. 的 学前卫生专业咨询委员会 在线赌博可以为学生准备医学预科委员会的信.

Most medical schools accept applications through the American Medical 大学 应用程序 Service. This application should be submitted in the summer before your last year in college and can be downloaded from the amca 网站.


的re are two kinds of practicing physicians: allopathic (MD’s) and osteopathic physicians (DO’s). 他们都是有执照的医生, 培训诊断和治疗疾病和失调, 在提供预防保健方面. 整骨疗法在美国是一种独特的医疗实践形式. Osteopathic physicians use all of the tools and technology available to modern medicine with the added benefits of a holistic philosophy and a system of hands-on diagnosis and treatment. DO’s emphasize helping each person achieve a high level of wellness by focusing on health education, 预防伤害,预防疾病. Allopathic medicine is ‘classic medicine’ that combats diseases with the use of drugs or surgery. Consider shadowing both allopathic and osteopathic physicians and applying to both medical schools.


It is important that you choose a major that reflects your strongest academic interests rather than one that you think would look good to medical schools. 选择一个你感兴趣的专业! 这不是主修一门科学的必要条件或好处.

大多数美国大学的最低课程要求.S. 下面列出了医学院的等效课程. 请检查 AAMC |学生 & 居民.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 英格兰101年
英语 英格兰102年
心理学 PSYC 101或PSYC 118
社会学 110年的社会
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
数学或统计学 MATH 152; 381; BIOL 226; POLS/SOCI 330; PSYC 220
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
普通化学I 化学105
普通化学II 化学106
有机化学I 化学315
有机化学II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
生物学基础(生物学课程必修) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
结构与功能 杂志213年
生物化学 杂志420年




Medical schools place a strong emphasis on your clinical exposure to medicine and patient care, 包括当影子的时间, 在诊所工作, 以及其他以病人为中心的设置. 与病人直接互动(例如.e.、运送病人、担任医疗翻译等.)将大大增加你的经验. 虽然这种体验没有固定的时间, 一个常见的指导方针是在申请前争取500小时. 同样,这只是一个建议,并不是必需的数量. 而不是关注工作时间的长短, you should instead focus on the type of experience and the benefits for both you and the patients you serve.


成功的医学院申请者能够展示自己的技能, 知识, 以及这些领域的能力:服务导向, 社会技能, 文化能力, 团队合作, 口头交流, 对自己和他人的道德责任, 可靠性和可靠性, 弹性和适应性, 以及改进的能力.


新修订的称MCAT分为四个部分:分子部分, cellular and organismal properties of living systems; Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of living systems; Social and behavioral sciences principles; and Critical analysis and reasoning skills. 的refore, you are advised to take the 称MCAT after completing all your prehealth requirements. 称MCAT考试通常在大三之后的夏天进行.


Submit application materials during the summer before your senior year on the amca 网站. 的 Prehealth Advisory Committee will write a composite letter based on letters of recommendation you have received and put into your prehealth file at the CDC. 为了给你写信,委员会要求你进行一次面试.


Alfred University has a special 提前录取计划 that grants qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s School of Osteopathic Medicine. 学生可以在高中毕业时申请EAP. Current undergraduate students must apply before the end of sophomore year for acceptance.
