
Focused on Professional Certification

Our degree is the first step toward CPA certification, or becoming an auditor, tax advisor or consultant. 或者你可以选择将你的技能应用到商业、金融或法律等领域. 您将在不断变化的环境中享受充满活力的就业机会.



Main Campus - Alfred, NY




双学位 option(s) offered.


考虑到参加注册会计师考试的课程要求是由州法律规定的, the 会计 major’s curriculum is tightly structured. 你必须修完商务专业核心课程中列出的所有课程, 艺术 and Sciences Core and general education, 艺术和科学选修课的总学分至少为60个小时, plus all accounting courses in the major.


  • ACCT 361 Intermediate 会计 I
  • ACCT 362 Intermediate 会计 II
  • ACCT 371 Personal Income Tax
  • ACCT 372 Cost 会计
  • ACCT 441 Auditing Theory and Practice
  • ACCT 462 Advanced 会计
  • ACCT 471 Corporate 税收
  • 翅片300 + one additional upper-level Finance course
  • LAW 442 Commercial Law

业务 Professional Core 需求

  • ACCT 211 Financial 会计
  • ACCT 212 Managerial 会计
  • BUSI 105 业务 Perspectives
  • BUSI 106 Contemporary 业务
  • BUSI 457 International 业务 OR
    FIN 458 International Financial 管理 OR
    ECON 412 International 经济学 OR
    MKTG 489 International 市场营销
  • BUSI 499 业务 Policy
  • FIN 348 Managerial Finance
  • LAW 241 The Legal Environment of 业务
  • MGMT 328 管理 and Organizational Behavior
  • MGMT 484 Operations 管理
  • MIS 390 Introduction to 管理 Information Systems
  • MKTG 221 市场营销 Principles and 管理


  • Approved Internship (BUSI 485)
  • 含主动学习成分的高级课程(指定为CoB:实地经验)

艺术 and Sciences Core

  • BUSI 113 Descriptive Analytics and Statistics
  • BUSI 213 研究 Methods for 业务
  • MATH 1041 Quantitative Methods for 业务
  • MIS 101分析学I
  • 英语101写作1
  • ENGL 102 Writing II
  • ECON 201 Principles of Micro经济学
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macro经济学
  • Social Sciences (minimum) 3-4
  • Natural Sciences (minimum) 3-4
  • Humanities (minimum) 3-4

理学士商科学位由各专业共享的专业核心课程组成, business courses specific to each major, business electives totaling 48 credits in business, 艺术与科学, 而通识教育的核心课程为商科指定, 和文科选修课达到至少60学分的文科课程(所有理学学士学位都要求). Depending on the major, 你将选修额外的课程,以达到毕业所需的120个学分. You are also required to:

  • 完成至少30个学分的高级商业课程
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average overall
  • 一门个人健身课程(学分不包括在毕业所需的120学分内)和一门健康课程.
  • 满足大学的全球视野要求

After your first year is complete, we urge all business students to gain the valuable, real-world experience only an internship can offer.

  • 大多数实习是在两个学期之间的夏季进行的
  • Each credit hour you’ll earn equals 45 hours of work; you'll figure out the actual schedule with your site supervisor
  • 实习可能有报酬,也可能没有报酬,这取决于你所在的机构
  • Grades are assessed based on complete, 及时提交所有必要的实习文件, with the final learning report weighted most heavily

会计是所有非盟学生都可以选择的双学位. 要获得会计双学位,必须修完下面列出的所有课程,总共81学分.

Learn more about 双学位s

  • ACCT 211 Financial 会计
  • ACCT 212 Managerial 会计
  • ACCT 361 Intermediate 会计 I
  • ACCT 362 Intermediate 会计 II
  • ACCT 371 Personal Income Tax
  • ACCT 372 Cost 会计
  • ACCT 441 Auditing Theory and Practice
  • ACCT 462 Advanced 会计
  • ACCT 471 Corporate 税收
  • BUSI 113 or other AU statistics course
  • BUSI 213 研究 Methods
  • BUSI 499 业务 Policy
  • BUSI various International 业务 option
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macro经济学
  • FIN 348 Managerial Finance
  • 翅片300 +
  • LAW 241 Legal Environment of 业务
  • LAW 442 Commercial Law
  • MGMT 328 管理 and Org Behavior
  • MGMT 484 Operations 管理
  • MIS 101分析学II
  • MIS 390 Intro to MIS
  • MKTG 221 市场营销 Principles & 管理
  • ECON 201 Principles of Micro经济学
  • 英语101写作
  • MATH 104 or 151 or higher or BUSI 150

你将获得财务和管理会计方面的背景知识, 税收, 会计辅修财务报表分析. 你也将为会计、商业和法律的研究生课程做好准备. 辅修会计学包括统计学9门课程,共29学时, 操作, 经济学, 数学, and (of course) accounting.

  • ACCT 211 Financial 会计
  • ACCT 212 Managerial 会计
  • ACCT 361 Intermediate 会计 I
  • BUSI 113 Descriptive Analytics and Statistics
  • ECON 201 Principles of Micro经济学
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macro经济学
  • 商业定量方法(或数学151微积分I)

Plus two courses from the following:

  • ACCT 310 Forensic 会计
  • ACCT 362 Intermediate 会计 II
  • ACCT 371 Personal Income Tax
  • ACCT 372 Cost 会计
  • ACCT 462 Advanced 会计
  • ACCT 471 Advanced 税收

学生必须完成在线赌博至少一半的课程,平均成绩至少达到2分.0 "C" in courses submitted for completion of the minor.

Both inside and outside the classroom, 商学院提供丰富的学习经验. Students in the 会计 major:

  • Use the latest computerized accounting applications
  • Attend professional accounting meetings
  • Meet with professional accountants
  • Take advantage of leadership opportunities
  • Participate in study tours
  • 与客户合作

会计毕业生在在线赌博商学院的就业率是一个非常强大的100%,这是我们的高质量计划的一个迹象. Our placement rate for those going to international, national and regional CPA firms is particularly strong.


  • 克洛诺
  • Harris RF Communications
  • 毕马威(KPMG)
  • 博纳迪奥集团
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • EFP罗滕伯格

许多毕业生继续在在线赌博攻读MBA课程, 自动满足纽约州注册会计师考试的要求.


Oumar Soumahoro candid

4+1 MBA会计学

“阿尔弗雷德教会了我,你只能为自己的失败而责备自己,因为生活给了你赢得战争所需的所有武器. It is up to you to fight for yourself and overcome eve..."

Oumar Soumahoro, 2018
Find out more about Oumar


对会计职业感兴趣的学生也可能对双学位感兴趣, 小, 或在以下相关学科攻读研究生学位:

All 本科 项目