
Now offering a 3+3 program in partnership with an area law schools

Prepare for a career in law with Alfred University's 法律系的建议 curriculum. We now offer a 3+3 program with matriculation into the University at Buffalo School of Law



Main Campus - Alfred, NY

Pre-Professional Advising



Pre-law students must maintain high academic standards with a rigorous course load. While taking extensive "law" classes as undergraduate is not necessary preparation to go on to law school, students are encouraged to take a few classes which expose them to legal issues. 逻辑类, 会计, and basic political science are frequently recommended, however there are many appropriate courses offered in the social sciences, 历史, 业务, 哲学也是如此.

的 pre-law program at Alfred University is centered around quality advising for interested students rather than a prescribed curriculum. Pre-law advisors represent different divisions within Alfred University and are accessible to all interested students, 无论专业如何. We effectively prepare students from a wide variety of majors for law school through:

  • Effective advising by a team consisting of a pre-law and a major advisor, typically beginning in the sophomore year
  • Tailoring course work for law school preparation
  • Development of strong reasoning and communication skills
  • Establishing an understanding of what shapes human experience

Mix and match your pre-law courses with classes from all of our colleges and schools to create a discipline unique to your career goals. 例如:

  • Engineering students can take 业务 and English classes with a goal of becoming a patent lawyer
  • Art students can supplement studio work with aesthetics and philosophy with a possible career as an advocate for artists
  • Environmental studies majors can take communications and political science classes for preparation as a lobbyist

A 公法辅修 is offered at Alfred University consisting of four core political science classes (Intro to American Politics, 司法程序, 宪法, and Civil Liberties) and one additional upper level class.

法学院 招生 Test (考试)

考试考试必须参加, typically before applying to law school; it is typically taken in October of the senior year. Pre-law students prepare for the 考试 in their junior year. Structured practice sessions focusing on various strategies for the exam are provided. Guest speakers in the field of law, many of whom are Alfred alums, give presentations throughout the year on legal issues.


Alfred University graduates have attended law school at Harvard University, 康奈尔大学, 乔治敦大学, 凯斯西, 里士满大学, 科罗拉多大学, 布法罗大学, Syracuse University and SUNY Albany. 的 法学院 招生 Council provides valuable information for those thinking about pre-law programs and law school choices.

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