Research Institutes

Lea R. Powell Institute for Children and Families

New York Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology (CACT)

Institute for Electronic Art

Established in 1997, 电子艺术学院(IEA)致力于通过专注于艺术创作,将电子媒体整合到美术学科中, research, and education. 协会的宗旨是鼓励电子影像工作室的发展, to sponsor cross-disciplinary work, and to sponsor interactive artist residencies. By encouraging and supporting projects that involve interactive multi-media, distance communication systems, experimental music/video environments, and publications, 国际能源署希望促进技术实验和艺术研究的全球互动.

National Casting Center Foundry

Located just off campus, 国家铸造中心铸造厂为艺术与设计学院的雕塑课程提供熔化设施和教室空间. 在线赌博的国家铸造中心是金属和玻璃铸造之间的合作项目,使玻璃设备和金属铸造厂的产能翻了一番.

Digital Lab

数字实验室是一个最先进的设施,为学生提供创意和创新中心, 艺术与设计学院和稻盛县工程学院的教职员工. 我们的实验室配备了广泛的数字制造工具,旨在支持广泛的项目和研究工作.

Hands-on learning

Physics and astronomy students at Alfred University focus on active learning through

  • Research projects
  • Facilities at the Stull Observatory which houses one of the larger optical telescopes in New York State
  • Study of solar physics, near earth asteroids, or variable stars
  • Computational physics using a state-of-the-art Silicon Graphics Workstation
  • 研究粒子束物理,远程操作康奈尔正电子存储环(CESR).


物理专业是为那些喜欢通过在定量领域应用基本原理来研究周围世界的学生而设计的. Concentrations are offered in

  • Astrophysics - for those interested in astronomy
  • General physics - for those with a broad interest
  • 固体和机械浓度-为那些谁想要工程课程作为物理专业的一部分


在线赌博的所有学生都有一个独特的机会,可以亲眼看到夜空的美丽和奇观. 在线赌博的Stull天文台是纽约州最大的光学望远镜之一, the .82 meter Austin-Fellows Telescope. We also have a remotely operable 16-inch DFM telescope, a 9-inch refractor, and 16-inch and 20-inch Newtonian telescopes as well as a small radio telescope.

那些想上不止一门天文学课的人可以主修天体物理学, or minor in astronomy. Students from a wide variety of majors have chosen to minor in astronomy.

Hands-on, interactive learning

The Division of Biology and Biochemistry promotes and supports hands-on, interactive learning through laboratory and field courses, inquiry-based instruction, research activities, internships, and discussions/seminars concerning modern biological research. 非盟的学生有很多机会通过参与教师研究项目或设计自己的独立研究项目来进行研究. 许多课堂实验活动发展成为学生自主学习课程

Equipment and facilities

生物与生物化学系拥有包括数字成像系统在内的各种研究级设备, laminar flow hoods, fluorescent and phase-contrast microscopes, UV/VIS spectrophotometers, molecular biology equipment, field sampling equipment and environmental growth chambers. 在适当的培训和监督下,所有设施都可供学生使用. Learn more about our biology facilities.

State-of-the-art Facilities

With 2,500平方英尺的研究专用实验室设施和设备以及四个教学教室/实验室, Alfred University provides the tools and support students need to conduct meaningful, in-depth biological research.



  • SC 301 – Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry laboratory and classroom
  • 灵活的主动学习课堂,支持多个生物学科
  • SC 306 – Anatomy and Physiology laboratory and classroom
  • SC325/325A -细胞生物学和微生物学实验室及毗邻的培养箱和独立项目空间(BSL2设施)

Core Research Laboratories

Several faculty maintain research programs in our dedicated Core facility. Specialized equipment supports tissue culture, microbiology, molecular biology, and plant biology efforts and includes: a laminar flow tissue culture hood, high speed centrifuges, a chemiluminescent imager, a BioRad real time PCR machine, oxygen analyzer, 并采用液相氧电极系统进行光合作用和呼吸作用的研究. 植物生物学设施包括几个环境控制的生长室和一个新的最先进的植物生物学研究设施. There is a separate 375 sq. foot preparation room housing our pure water system, media preparation and dishwashing facilities, and two sterilizers.

所有的生物学学生都被鼓励通过参与教师的研究项目来参与研究, by designing their own independent research projects, and pursuing ARGUS grants. With training, 以下列出的所有部门设备可用于本科生独立和课堂研究项目.


Our instrument room, which is an essential part of our program, is well-equipped with computer-controlled, research-grade instruments. 更重要的是,我们的学生在第二年就获得了实践经验.

工程学院拥有40多个实验室,配备最先进的设备进行研究,000 square feet of laboratory space. 我们的研究设备服务于双重目的,有助于我们的本科生和研究生的教育. We pride ourselves on not only offering the best facilities in the field, but also in the incredible access that all of our students have to them.

Computer Modeling and Simulations

  • Atomistic Computer Modeling
  • Finite Element Analysis and Multiscale Modeling

Materials Processing, Fabrication and Manufacturing

  • Ceramic Processing Facility and Pilot Plant
  • Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototyping Lab
  • Glass Formulation and Processing
  • Heat Treating and Sintering
  • Multifunctional Materials Lab
  • Thick-film Processing Facilities and Pilot Plant
  • Thin-film Processing Facilities
  • Ultrafast Materials Science and Engineering Lab

Materials Characterization and Properties Measurement

  • Biomaterials Laboratory
  • Electrical Characterization Facilities
  • Electrochemical and High Temperature Battery Facility
  • Mechanical Properties Testing
  • Optical Microscopy Laboratories
  • Powder Characterization Laboratory
  • Spectroscopy Laboratories
  • Surface Microstructural Analysis Laboratory (SMAL)
  • Terahertz Spectroscopy and Millimeter Wave Imaging
  • Thermal Analysis Laboratory
  • X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

Systems Design and Testing

  • Control and Communication Systems Laboratory
  • Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
  • Mechanical Engineering Facilities
  • Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory
  • VSLI Design and Test Laboratory

Digital Lab

数字实验室是一个最先进的设施,为学生提供创意和创新中心, 艺术与设计学院和稻盛县工程学院的教职员工. 我们的实验室配备了广泛的数字制造工具,旨在支持广泛的项目和研究工作.

Hands-on, interactive learning

作为环境研究项目的一部分,我们所有的专业都从事独立的本科生研究项目. 这些专题的主题有很大的不同,取决于学生的兴趣. We firmly believe that students learn by “doing” and incorporate hands-on, interactive learning in virtually all of our courses.

Outstanding equipment and facilities

All students have access to a vast array of state-of-the-art field, laboratory, 以及校园内其他科学和工程部门的电脑设备. 这使得在线赌博的本科课程成为全国装备最好的大学之一. Equipment includes an ion chromatograph, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and instrumentation to perform capillary zone electrophoresis, all used for the analysis of water samples; a fully-equipped Geographic Information Systems (GIS) laboratory complete with two sub-meter scale Global Positioning Systems units, a dedicated GIS specialist, a 36-inch color plotter, and the latest version of the most frequently used GIS software; and a variety of equipment for soil testing, including compaction meter, soil moisture collectors, microscopes, and wet-laboratory equipment.

Field equipment

We have a variety of instruments used for field sampling and analysis, including a “Hydrolab” for analyzing a variety of water parameters in the field; sediment and water samplers, including two automated, programmable water samplers; flow meters; field dissolved oxygen, pH, and electrical conductivity meters; and two boats. We also have two field facilities on or very close to campus:

  • A hydrologic field laboratory, consisting of seven groundwater wells, which is fully instrumented to measure and record water levels, temperature, electrical conductivity, pressure, etc.
  • Foster Lake property, a 223-acre property consisting of the lake and surrounding forest, 用作环境研究课程和学生研究的实地实验室.