



Surface is a topsoil, an epidermal layer inviting us to wonder what is beneath 和 what came before. 同样的, 绘画是我们在最外层读到的东西, an exterior where we pause to consider the residue of the brush stroke. For me, nature 和 l和scape are another surface of my reality, past, 和 perception of home. 然而, 家像许多历史嵌入大地, 是微妙的, 复杂的, 和 even dark - no matter how beautiful on the outside. Within my work I question my own 和 perhaps our shared “romantic” gaze on the l和scape. By leaning into the absorbent 和 porous alchemy of plaster, I physically submerge personal photos 和 imprint my mark making to conceptually wrestle with this longing for the nature of home - a l和scape that I am deeply connected to but also feel a strange amount of resistance towards. Through my misuse of materials 和 attempts to capture the l和scape, I speak to the history of both painting 和 photography. In the challenge to hold these various truths or feelings toward a single place all at once, I find the poetry in between the lines 和 language of nature. I embrace the lessons 和 stories we could learn from the nonhuman 和 effortless giving of the l和 I have witnessed in my upbringing 和 artistic practice.