



I enter into resonance with the world around me and the worlds that I construct through painting and photography. My photographs capture the exterior space I exist in presently while my paintings depict interior spaces that I wish to exist in. 我捕捉浪漫的风景,建造安全的家庭住宅. While some environments are sweet and others are melancholic, there is an underlying tension. 在亲密和广阔的尺度之间工作, 我通过超越世俗的欲望来代表世俗.  
My photographs both document and abstract the spaces and time that I exist in. 我的主题是基本的和正式的. 我首先选择一个地点. 我被纽约西部理想化的美国风景所吸引. 我跟随我的直觉,捕捉树枝上的图案, 水中运动, 树叶的重复, 还有自然光. 徘徊和观察的行为是我练习的重点. 通过这些孤独的场景, 安静, 和微妙, 我与自己的渴望和不安作斗争. 
My paintings are an investigation of constructed spaces that use the housecat as a motif. 使用照片参考, I build a space for these cats to exist in – whether it be a cozy bedroom or a scenic window-still. I use color to communicate light and mood which results in vibrant, saturated compositions. 虽然夸张,但这些空间舒适、亲密、熟悉. 猫代表独立、安逸和孤独. 每只猫都有自己的个性,充当着人类情感的替身. 通过为每个空间创造一个叙事, I communicate my own obsession and admiration for cats and reaffirm their cliché presence in contemporary culture. The act of painting also serves as an escape as I am able to create the relaxing and safe spaces I long for.