



我作为舞者和拳击手的经历塑造了我的作品. In my paintings, I present women’s bodies in a deconstructed, dynamic, and expressive manner. 我通过运动找到了释放、控制和与自己的联系. 与历史上关于女性应该如何顺从的先入之见相矛盾, 我用粗体线条, 有力的手势, and jarring color combinations to counteract these presumptions and portray strength. 身体是表达的通用工具, yet are infinitely unique in the ways each inner self projects through the bodily structures, 充当我们真实自我的容器. 我画中的人物是对历史传统的拒绝的例证, 并宣布指示性, 信心, 通过手势表达力量.

Power is an intangible energy our Western society has rules as to how it is presented, 接受, 和挑战. 从历史上看,女性在媒体中的形象并非她们自己, 而是通过男人的镜头来讽刺他们应该是什么样的人. 作为一个小女孩, 我注意到我“命中注定”的角色是一个讲究的人, 漂亮的, and passive feminine individual being laid out in front of me; there wasn’t room for power or strength in these presented rules. 我画画是为了挑战这些限制性指令.

These paintings are inspired by cubists and abstract expressionists through paint application to create the sense of dynamic, 存在于一个空间的色彩场中的抽象人物. 这些画作挑战了当时男性主导的虚张声势的作品. Abstract painters from that time showed off their masculinity and power in their work. I pull from their techniques to present a fresh, opposition through my own narrative as a woman. 充满活力的图像坐在沉重的, 大, 坚固的面板, acting just as the bodies painted on them do in the act of not being afraid of taking up their space. 在我的工作中,女性的行为违背了她们传统的顺从, 一维的角色通过咆哮来表达, 大胆的能量通过他们的身体.