What are Initiation Rites and 被欺侮?

Across societies and time, people have initiated new members into groups, 通过旨在培养归属感的仪式和仪式. 然而,有时这些仪式或活动会越过界限,变成欺侮——一种羞辱性的行为, dangerous or even illegal. Because people's perceptions of hazing vary, 很难区分积极的或可接受的入会仪式和可疑的或不可接受的入会仪式.

We defined hazing as "任何加入侮辱人的团体的行为, 降解, abuses or endangers, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. 这还不包括新秀拿球之类的活动, team parties with community games, or going out with your teammates, unless an atmosphere of humiliation, degradation, abuse or danger arises." (2) 这个定义清楚地印在调查表的开头.

Under this definition, 45 percent of the respondents reported that they knew of, had heard of, or suspected hazing on their campuses. Only 12 percent reported being hazed for athletics. Eighty percent, 然而, 据报告,作为团队入会的一部分,他们遭受了一种或多种典型的欺侮行为. So, 而学生们会承认各种各样的欺侮行为, they most often were reluctant to label them "hazing.这种不情愿是可以理解的,尤其是考虑到欺侮在41个州都是犯罪行为.

下表显示了运动员的入会行为报告, divided into four mutually exclusive categories:

  • acceptable behaviors (only positive activities).
  • 有问题的行为(羞辱或有辱人格的活动), but no dangerous or potentially illegal, activities).
  • alcohol-related activities (drinking contests, 不包括其他危险或潜在的非法活动).
  • 不可接受的和潜在的非法行为(极有可能造成危险或伤害的活动), or could result in criminal charges).

当我们观察组成行为时,欺侮的普遍性变得更加清晰. 在接受调查的运动员中,百分之百的人都参加了某种形式的运动队入会仪式. 几乎所有人都被期望参与可接受的行为. 然而, 80%的人还接受了其他形式的可疑入会仪式, alcohol-related, and unacceptable.

20%的人报告只参与可接受的入会活动. 尽管运动员必须达到特定的标准(技术水平), 在一项运动中的表现或保持一个特定的GPA),以获得一个团队的资格, 欺侮行为的普遍存在表明,这种可接受的活动是不够的. 运动员似乎需要专门为入会而设计的活动, and if those are not provided, they will create their own.

Acceptable Initiation Activities 男性877 (n) 女 1142 (n) 总计 2027 (n)
Attending pre-season training 89% 728 89% 983 88% 1716
Testing for skill, endurance, or performance in a sport 78% 678 78% 859 79% 1540
Keeping a specific grade point average 72% 612 78% 861 75% 1478
Dressing up for team functions (besides uniforms) 69% 591 75% 843 73% 1438
Attending a skit night or team roast 54% 457 57% 632 55% 1092
Doing volunteer community service 45% 383 54% 601 50% 987
Taking an oath or signing a contract of standards 44% 380 54% 602 50% 985
Completing a ropes course or team trip 29% 252 43% 475 37% 729
参加至少一项可接受活动的运动员总数 96% 838 97% 1102 96% 1945

女性运动员更有可能只参与可接受的入会活动,而男性运动员更有可能参与欺侮行为. 然而,如下表所示,欺侮在女性中几乎和男性一样普遍.

Questionable Initiation Activities 男性 (n) (n) 总计 (n)
Being yelled, cursed, or sworn at 38% 326 25% 286 31% 614
Being forced to wear embarrassing clothing 22% 194 33% 373 29% 571
Tattooing, piercing, head shaving, or branding 32% 278 24% 272 28% 552
Participating in calisthenics not related to a sport 14% 125 11% 127 13% 253
Associating with specific people, not others 12% 101 11% 124 11% 226
在球场外充当球员的私人仆人 10% 85> 8% 95 9% 181>
Being forced to deprive oneself of food, sleep, or hygiene 7% 56 8% 85 7% 141
Consuming extremely spicy/disgusting concoctions 8% 69 5% 60 6% 129
总计 involved in at least one questionable activity 68% 594 63% 719 65% 1318

一个参与可疑入会活动的团队,很有可能也会参与不可接受的活动. Although seemingly harmless,有问题的活动往往是更危险和破坏性行为的警告信号. 超过80%的运动员在接受可疑的入会活动的同时也接受了不可接受的活动. 将有问题的入会活动视为无害而不予理会是一种常见的反应, but by doing so, we may be ignoring more serious problems.

Questionable Activities %
Being yelled, cursed, or sworn at 81%
Tattooing, piercing, head shaving, or branding 81%
Being forced to wear embarrassing clothing 85%
Participating in calisthenics not related to a sport 98%
Associating with specific people, not others 98%
Being forced to deprive oneself of food, sleep, or hygiene 99%
在球场外充当球员的私人仆人 100%
Consuming extremely spicy/disgusting concoctions 100%

We know that many hazing deaths involve alcohol, 要么是因为学生的判断力受损,他们承担了原本不会承担的风险, or because they overdose on alcohol. 受访者证实,酒精在欺侮学生加入运动队方面发挥了重要作用, 超过一半的运动员说他们参加了与酒精有关的入会活动.

Alcohol-related Initiation Activities 男性 (n) (n) 总计 (n)
Consuming alcohol on recruitment visits 42% 364 39% 442 42% 809
Participating in a drinking contest 35% 302 34% 387 35% 693
总计 involved in any alcohol-related activity 52% 456 51% 582 51% 1042

One out of every five athletes (27 percent of men, (16%的女性)参加了一个或多个不可接受的入会仪式, those that carry a high probability of danger or injury, or could result in criminal charges.

Other Unacceptable Initiation Activities 男性 (n) (n) 总计 (n)
Making prank calls or harassing others 12% 105 8% 91 10% 197
Destroying or stealing property 11% 91 5% 59 7% 50
Engaging in or simulating sexual acts 7% 64 5% 52 6% 116
Being tied up, taped, or confined in small spaces 8% 65 3% 29 5% 94
Being paddled, whipped, beaten, kicked; beating others 5% 42 1% 13 3% 55
Being kidnapped or transported and abandoned 4% 33 2% 19 3% 52
总计 involved in any one unacceptable activity 27% 234 16% 183 21% 418

然而,对于17%的受访者来说,发起的不仅仅是一次违规. 这些运动员——绝大多数是男性——发现自己深深地沉浸在一种欺侮文化中. 他们参与或遭受了五种或更多的欺侮行为. 因子分析报告了六种不同的相关行为. Further study into this clustering phenomenon, in which subcultures of hazing behavior seem to emerge, 可能为检测和预防策略提供见解.

在41个有反欺侮法的州中,许多州限制了欺侮的定义, often eliminating humiliation as an element. 许多法律都是专门针对兄弟会欺侮行为的, and do not cover athletic or high school hazing. 各州的法律对于被欺侮者的同意是否包含在欺侮的定义中也有所不同. (Source: Hank Nuwer)

(3)需要注意的是,许多参加与酒精有关的入会活动的运动员还不到法定饮酒年龄21岁. 在这种情况下,与酒精有关的入会仪式是非法的.