Pre-健康 Pharmacy Advising

With guaranteed acceptance into LECOM





Pre-健康 Pharmacy Advising

药剂师通过提供药物和信息在卫生保健系统中发挥着至关重要的作用. 他们是最终关心病人健康的药物专家. Pharmacist responsibilities include the following:

  • 分发药物;
  • Monitoring patient health and progress to maximize their response to the medication;
  • 教育消费者和患者如何使用处方药和非处方药;
  • Advising physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals on drug decisions;
  • Providing expertise about the composition of drugs, 包括他们的化学物质, 生物, and physical properties and their manufacture and use;
  • 确保药物的纯度和强度,并确保药物不会以有害的方式相互作用.
  • 时间轴 - Students should refer to Alfred University's Pre-健康时间表 and Checklist (below) to assist them in career planning.
  • 均衡和全面的高中和大学教育是追求药学专业学位的重要第一步, especially in the areas of math and science.
  • 学生应参考核对表,以确保他们已完成所有课程要求.
  • 药学博士(PharmD)学位课程要求至少两年的专业预科(本科)学习,然后是四年的专业学习.
  • 大多数一年级学生都有三到四年的大学经验. 的 requirements for admission into a pharmacy program vary.
  • 了解教员是很重要的,这样他们才能写合适的推荐信. 的 Pre-健康 Professions Advisory Committee at Alfred University can prepare a Pre-Medical Committee Letter for students.



LECOM与在线赌博有特殊的提前录取计划,授予符合条件的学生临时提前录取LECOM药学院. 应用程序 to the EAP is separate from the application to the undergraduate school.

A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. While current undergraduate students may apply, they should contact the prehealth advisor at their school to see if they qualify. 学生必须在在线赌博第三年开始前提交问询表.


  • 的 LECOM phase is four years in Bradenton, FL, 在伊利三年, PA but is not available at Seton Hill. A distance education (DE) pathway is also available but with some restrictions. EAP students are encouraged to take the PCAT but it is not required for admission.
  • 3+ Track(在线赌博3年)-学生必须在本科院校开始第二年之前获得EAP的临时录取通知书. Upon submitting a PharmCas application, 完成三年的本科学习,达到一定的GPA和其他要求, they enter LECOM the following August. LECOM graduates receive a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. To complete the undergraduate degree at Alfred University, students will major in 生物学 and follow the academic schedule designed. If the courses listed are not completed by the end of the student’s third year, entrance to the LECOM program will be postponed another year. 课程s may be added to the schedule if space permits.
  • 4+ Track(在线赌博4年)-学生必须在本科院校开始第三年之前获得EAP的临时录取通知书. Upon submitting a PharmCas application, 完成四年的本科学习,达到一定的GPA和其他要求, they enter LECOM the following August. LECOM graduates receive a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree.


学生可以通过以下链接申请参加EAP“提前录取计划查询” 我的LECOM门户. LECOM will review the application. Student must meet the requirements to be successful.


  • 一定是U.S. citizen or permanent resident (international students may apply to Pharmacy);
  • Must not hold a bachelor’s degree or higher;
  • Must have at least two years remaining as a full-time student at Alfred University;
  • 在2016年3月1日之前参加的一次SAT成绩(数学和语言推理)大于或等于1170分, 在2016年3月1日之后的单次考试中,SAT成绩达到1240分或更高,或者在单次考试中,ACT综合成绩大于等于26分;
  • 高中平均成绩3分.5对4.0级或更高.
  • 已经就读在线赌博的学生必须至少有3的累积总GPA.2,理科平均绩点3.1或更高


If the student meets the requirements, LECOM will offer the student a list of EAP interview dates to self-schedule an interview.


Following a successful interview, LECOM将通知学生,他们有资格获得LECOM的临时录取通知书,并在在线赌博批准他们的选择并将他们的学校电子邮件地址提交给LECOM后,他们将被登记参加EAP. 的 student and Alfred will then be sent the provisional letter of acceptance.


额外的需求, including a final application to LECOM, must be met for final acceptance to LECOM, but another interview is not required.


Due to the number of science prerequisites required to apply to Pharmacy schools, most 申请人 are science majors, such as 化学 or 生物学.

的 minimum course requirements for most U.S. Chiropractic 大学 are listed below with their AU equivalent courses. 你应该查看你计划申请的具体学校的网站以获取更多信息.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 英格兰101年
英语 英格兰102年
Math/Statistics (requirements vary by school)
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
数学或统计学 MATH 152; 381; BIOL 226; POLS/SOCI 330; PSYC 220 
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
普通化学I 化学105
普通化学II 化学106
有机化学I 化学315
有机化学II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
Biological Foundations (requirement for 生物学 sequence) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
结构与功能 杂志213年
解剖学 & 生理学我 杂志307年
解剖学 & 生理学二世 杂志308年
微生物学 杂志302年

Additional Required or Relevant 课程work

Please consult the website, American Association of 大学 of Pharmacy, for information regarding specific requirements for the schools you plan to apply to. Suggested courses include genetics, 免疫学, 生物化学, 心理学, 经济学, 以及公开演讲.


药学院鼓励或要求申请人在药房或与健康相关的机构(医院)有志愿者或带薪工作经验, 养老院, 等.). 正在进行的工作或志愿者经验,在药房设置可能是一个重要因素,在招生过程中. If you are unable to gain work or volunteer experience directly related to pharmacy, 联系你选择的药学院招生办公室,以确定他们可能接受哪些其他经验,以充分证明你的专业知识.


的 Pharmacy College 招生 Test (PCAT) is a national, standardized exam that is required of all Pharm.D. 申请人. 的 PCAT tests the following areas: 生物学 Processes, Chemical Processes (including general and organic), Quantitative Reasoning (including calculus), 和批判性阅读. PCAT的最后一次考试日期是在11月初,以考虑来年秋季入学.


药学院校申请服务(PharmCAS)是一个集中申请多个药学院校的服务.D. 项目 offered by schools and colleges of pharmacy. PharmCAS is designed for first-year professional Pharm.D. 项目. Most students apply the summer of their junior year. 应用程序s are due (depending on the school) by the beginning of November.

提前录取计划 (EAP)

在线赌博有一个特殊的提前录取计划,授予合格的学生一个临时提前接受LECOM药学院. A student may apply for EAP consideration as a high school senior. 当前的本科生必须在大二结束前申请录取. This is a 3+ program; students will complete 3 years at Alfred University and then matriculate to LECOM. LECOM的第一年将适用于Alfred的最后一年,以获得学士学位. 因此,有一个特定的学术时间表,学生进入这个项目必须遵循.

More information about career opportunities and links to all U.S. 可从美国药学院协会获得.


杰西卡TenBrink in the chemistry lab

一年级的学生 & Pre-Pharmacy? 是的.

“联系在线赌博的导师是我做过的职业生涯中最好的决定之一. I now have a great plan and a clear path to my future with all the help I could ever ..."

杰西卡TenBrink, 2022
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