
你将带着管理变革的技能离开, manage people and bring creativity and innovation to solve global business problems. 不仅如此,你还会获得竞争优势. We prepare the next generation of business leaders by focusing on the skills that will lead to success. Alfred University's MBA program offers a number of courses through online and hybrid online instruction, while preserving the benefits of classroom instruction and interaction. This combination balances the needs of working adults for home study with the opportunity for peer engagement.





Our MBA curriculum has three components: undergraduate-level foundation courses, 研究生商科核心课程, 以及研究生选修课. The 18-credits of foundation courses introduce the functional areas of business practice. These courses are completed at the undergraduate level prior to starting the program, 或者作为项目的一部分. 通常, students who have an undergraduate major or minor in a business related field have already completed the foundation requirements and may be able to complete the graduate courses (core and elective) in one year of full-time study. Students without prior foundation courses can be accepted into the MBA program and complete the foundation requirements prior to moving into the graduate coursework.


  • 统计数据
  • 组织行为
  • 市场营销
  • 管理财务
  • 财务会计
  • 运营管理

The graduate core courses for the MBA-Business Administration consist of the 研究生 Core and Electives. The courses focus on professional skills which build a sustainable workforce and which sustain businesses into the future. The MBA capstone course provides an advanced professional experience integrating management skills through team consultation with business clients to produce innovative solutions to business questions.


  • MBA 626创新管理
  • MBA 630全球领导者管理
  • MBA 651经理人经济学
  • MBA 652谈判 & 劝导(A块)
  • MBA 661创意 & 创新思维(B组)
  • MBA 674商业分析
  • 工商管理硕士699商业咨询顶点

You can select from among the elective offerings to build a focus area. 教师领导的考察旅行是选修课之一. 你需要选四门选修课. (12学分)

  • MBA 600:专题研讨会(每学期不同)
  • MBA 601:医疗保健服务系统
  • MBA 603:医疗保健政策
  • MBA 604:权力 & 医疗保健中的政治
  • MBA 605:德国汽车工业
  • MBA 606:法律 & 医疗保健中的道德问题
  • MBA 609:品牌管理
  • MBA 618:商业中的性别平等
  • MBA 627:数字世界的领导力
  • MBA 654:道德 & 企业责任
  • MBA 681:商业可持续性

Foundation course requirements can be filled in the following ways:

  • 本科商科学位(主修或辅修)
  • 在线赌博本科商科课程
  • 认可大学的本科商科课程
  • Online business foundation courses from the State University of New York Open SUNY
  • 获批的mooc(斯坦福、麻省理工等.)
  • 学生也可以在课程要求之外进行测试


The academic standards for graduate students at Alfred University require an overall cumulative average of 3.达到毕业要求. MBA-Business Administration students are permitted no more than 3 graduate credits below a grade of B.

助教奖学金 are granted to all full-time students admitted to the program. These take the form of renewable positions that provide for remission of approximately one-half the annual graduate tuition. 研究生助理(GAs)工作7.5 hours per week with a graduate faculty member in their area of interest.

研究生 assistants typically work on research projects, marketing and recruiting efforts. In the past GAs have helped faculty with on campus presentations and seminars, done research leading towards publication in peer-reviewed journals, attended on and off campus meetings with program stakeholders, 等. These positions not only help with tuition costs but provide valuable experiences that reflect well on the student for future employment. The Business Division is open to working with GAs to determine the best fit within the department, 基于学生兴趣.

除了自己的资源, the University participates in the federal and state aid programs which are applicable to its degree programs. The majority of this funding is in the form of low-interest student loans.


95% 2020年至2022年MBA毕业生就业人数占比. 85% 的MBA毕业生在毕业后3个月内就业.


MBA students often consider our Master's program in Accounting as well.
