

在线赌博于5月7日星期二举行了第七届年度全体员工表彰招待会. 纪念退休人员和多年服务的员工的活动在艾德大厅举行, with light refreshments and beverages.

The University also recognized the following recipients of three awards:

Cathy Johnson Service Award, which recognizes high standards of professionalism; proactive engagement with tasks; and attention to detail and the utmost care for quality in presentation while completing tasks. The award is named for the late Cathy Johnson, assistant to the Dean of the School of Art and Design, who passed away in November 2017 at the age of 53.

2024年的冠军是 汤姆·乔治。 network services manager, Information Technology Services.

一位提名乔治获奖的同事说,他在满足部门的高要求方面效率很高. “汤姆的项目规划和管理是保证大学数字基础设施运行的关键. 他几乎参与了校园里所有与互联网或科技相关的事情。.

“日复一日,汤姆·乔治以热情和智慧专业地处理来自我们部门或ITS服务台的任何请求, 请记住,有很多请求都有各种各样的奇怪之处,” another nominator added. “Tom's power of reasoning, 判断, 洞察力, and observations surpasses any others that we have worked with in the past.”


“由于他对各种设备和工艺的经验,他能够成功地完成详细和高质量的工作,有人写道。. “他也渴望让每个人都能做到最简单. 他不只是关心事情是否“起作用”,他关心的是它们是否无缝地起作用并充分发挥潜力.”

另一个人补充道:“汤姆是我共事过的最关注细节的人之一. 他能够回忆起运行我们校园基础设施的复杂流程和程序,这让人印象深刻,他能够将技术作为一种工具,同时在他的演讲和互动中表现得非常愉快和称职,这令人印象深刻,令人鼓舞.”

Other nominees for the 2024 Cathy Johnson Service Award 是: 阿曼达·克里斯, interlibrary loan coordinator, Scholes Library; 水晶亨肖,教务长行政助理,教务长办公室首席运营官; 黛布拉MacCrea表演艺术临床指导教师、服装车间主管; 艾玛·麦克道尔, coordinator facilities services, Facilities Services; 珍妮特·林奇, executive assistant to the Vice President for Enrollment Management; 约翰Hosford, art librarian, Scholes Library; 劳拉·格罗夫, administrative assistant to the dean, Inamori School of Engineering; 肖恩Forshee, assistant director, Facilities Services; S赫勒格兰特艺术与设计学院本科艺术专业行政助理; Val埃瓦尔德, senior buyer, Procurement; 扎克汉姆, clinical associate professor of Theatre Design & Technical Director, Performing 艺术.

The Saxon Service Award, which honors employees who foster a positive attitude, 示范项目, stand out among the Alfred University community, and exemplify the purple and gold Saxon spirit. 2024年的冠军是 肖恩Forshee assistant director, Facilities Services.

Nominators on Forshee’s behalf noted his cheerful and sunny disposition.

“Shawn is always smiling. He is always pleasant, ready to give a hand. Consistently has a positive attitude. 我想说,他的性格反映了他色彩鲜艳、阳光明媚的扎染衬衫。.

另一个人补充说:“肖恩总是微笑着回应别人的要求,‘我们可以做到.“地面工作人员一年中要完成的不同任务的数量是惊人的,他们总是在那里把事情弄得很漂亮。, 保证我们的安全, setting our spaces and moving our offices.”


“肖恩总是准备好解决问题并提供帮助,”一位提名人写道. 他帮助组织来自不同地区的人们一起举办活动, 准备一个空间, whatever is needed for a given situation.”

另一个, noting the attention Forshee pays to detail, pointed to his work each year preparing for Commencement. “肖恩与教务长办公室以及地面团队密切合作,创造了一个令人惊叹的, memorable setting for our graduates. The orchestration of the staging area is phenomenal. And it always feels like it goes off without a hitch; I am sure that's not true, but Shawn gets things smoothed out so that it all feels seamless.”

The other nominees for the Saxon Service Award科里·珀金斯艺术与设计学院雕塑与尺寸研究技师 杰米•巴布科克, associate vice president, Facilities Services.

凯西约翰逊服务奖和撒克逊服务奖是由校友韦恩F. 冬青78.

Bob Condrate Lifelong Learner Award, which recognizes employees who continually seek further education/professional development to enhance his/her growth; demonstrate a passion for gaining knowledge over a sustained period of time; and proactively share their knowledge and/or expertise with campus community. The award is named for Bob Condrate, 在线赌博纽约州立陶瓷学院的退休光谱学教授. Condrate exemplified lifelong learning by continuing his education, 他从大学退休后修了超过250个学分的课程. The award is supported by alumnus Jay Yedvab ’56.

2024年的冠军是 凯文•亚当斯 information librarian, Herrick Memorial Library. 提名者提到了他对在线赌博的奉献精神,以及他愿意超越一切,为学生和同事提供更好的大学体验.

“凯文亲自教学生,并对不断变化的信息素养世界保持最新的了解.  He continues to keep publishing articles, 或者研究它们, 和其他教授一起, 他自己也一样.  He also chairs search committees, is on several conference planning committees, and goes to those and other conferences,一位提名人写道. “终于, he participates in Alfred University events, 和程序, 这些都是为了促进这两方面的发展,并创造机会(两者都在进行中), 物理产品, or events) for other people.  He's an active listener and takes what he hears to heart, implementing changes and redirections, 根据需要.”

“He is first off an information literacy librarian, who shares his knowledge both in class, as well as when students come to him with a question,另一个人写道. “He has done more formal things, like participating in Bergren Forums, to more informal talks with fellow professors.  These can turn into talks or papers, as well.  除了信息素养课程外,他还教授一门制作杂志的正式课程.  Finally, he works with AU welcoming events, alongside admissions.”

写了一个, “Students across campus recognize him, and have high expectations, 结果很好, 他的.  He elevates the student body as an educator, by allowing them to learn for themselves, which impacts literally everything else in their lives, both now and in the future.  He also brings good cheer with him, and creates intersections across silos, through his availability and passion.”

The other nominee for the Bob Condrate Lifelong Learner Award吉姆•Mighells technician/machinist, Mechanical Engineering.

The following employees 是 recognized for years of service:

一年格拉迪斯·亚伯拉罕特, 瑞秋Ahart, 约西亚·亚历山大,22岁, Karissa Allen-Grant, Nikta Amiri, 将阿什宝, Sheren Attal ' 11 MSED, ADVC”12, 托尼奥古斯汀, 杰米啤酒, 本尼Bermudez-Garcia, 妮可Bernsen, 梅格·伯恩斯坦, 凯文·布拉德利, Badru布鲁尔, 保罗·布里格斯, Tristen布里格斯, 亚伦Burdin, 安德鲁·该隐, 莫林Caschera, 艾米斯·克劳福德10岁, 卡洛琳Crisanti, 詹姆斯·卡明斯, 利亚卡明斯, 马克丹麦人, 林恩·杜威, Bernard Dolecki ' 14, 杰西卡·多纳, Deb排水, Baylee Durantini, 米凯拉Fendrock, 黛比Finamore-Flint, 艾丽·甘布尔23岁, 尼基绿色, 上海绿, 克洛伊汉森, 马迪根霍华德, 吉尔·哈伯德, 肖恩·艾萨克斯,09年, 罗德杰弗斯MSED ' 13, ADVC“13, Mehdi Kabirnajafi, 阿里尔凯莉, Myungkoo康, 哈坎Karaaytu, 麦特湖, 埃本利维, Jamall Lewis, 23岁, 卡罗尔·马西, 艾萨克Matson, Rosemarie马佐尼, 林赛·麦考伊,21岁, 斯科特麦克, 米兰达·梅特卡夫, 亨特·迈尔斯,23届MBA, 杰西卡·米勒, 斯科特·米尔斯, 本杰明·默尔顿, Alexis Nguyen 23岁, 蒂凡尼·诺兰23岁, Jeffrey Ormsby, 托马斯Orrange, Lizsandra Oeralta, 罗伯特管理员, Tammy Raub, 莫妮卡Reginio, 斯科特·理查森, 迈克尔Riina, 纱丽里维拉, 艾琳Schurr, Tausha斯科特, Ayush森古普塔, 凯西·谢尔曼, 玛丽谢尔曼, Audrea Sirianni, 蕾切尔Smith-Vaughan, 詹妮弗·雪, 阿丽萨斯蒂芬, 黛博拉管家, 艾丽卡强, 菲尔·萨顿, 跳过西尔维斯特, 萨曼塔塔夫脱, 艾玛Taggart, 约书亚·托马斯, 米歇尔Tichy, 凯文Trudell, Evan Tsai Angel Victorino, 卡罗尔Volpe, 鲍勃Wandover, 现任王, 玛吉·韦斯,20岁, MBA ‘21’ Sierra Wilson ’22.

五年Melissa Badeau, 98年, 主04年, 尼古拉斯·克罗斯比, 罗纳德·德姆查克, 琼Ellefson, 安吉莉Felber, 蒂姆·费迪南, 雪莱Freyn, Gabrielle gastad ' 04, J. 李则, 詹姆斯·汉森, 迈克尔·霍利, Yavuz Keceli; Doris Möncke, 杰森·莫里森, 马修·菲利普斯10, 莎拉·普拉特, 金伯利谢尔曼, 约翰·西明斯,84年, 博士90年, 德斯蒙德·华莱士, 库恩王, Lisa Weaver ' 97

十年切尔西·艾姆斯19岁, MBA的21, 戴夫·贝利, 莎拉的血液, 艾米·巴顿-欧文11届硕士, ADVC的14, 强烈的17, 莎拉象牙海岸, 特瑞纳弗雷伯格, •Ghotbi, 凯瑟琳·希尔曼,20岁, MBA的22, Meghen琼斯, Seong-Jin李, 阿曼达·李普尼基, 科里·珀金斯, 路易斯·罗德里格斯, 《在线赌博》, 比如西蒙·罗梅罗, Hannah Thompsett MFA ’16, 苏木

十五年: 布瑞吉特好, 杰西卡Faughnan, 盖尔吉哈德, 苏珊Hendee, Sara Love ' 06, 黎明Pedersen-Hunt, 威廉•斯图尔特.

二十年: 威廉Contino, 安妮·康奈尔, 丹尼尔赢他, Jen Guarasci, Sangjoon李, 黛博拉·罗林斯, 吉姆Rumfelt, 梅丽莎·瑞恩, 罗伯特•斯坦.

25年: 塔拉Baghdadchi, Cheryld埃蒙斯, 杰弗里·赫尔伯特, Lee Hyojin, MS ' 98, 博士的22, Jeffrey Mulhollen, 卡罗尔Sliski, 马克怀特豪斯, 詹姆斯·惠特尼.

三十年: 杰米•巴布科克, Andrew Deutsch, Sandra Singer.


五十年: D. 韦恩Higby.

The following 14 retirees, 他总共服务了367年,平均超过26年,被认可为:大卫·德·格拉夫, 天文学教授, 31 years; Sheila Decker, 应付帐款文员, 20 years; Cheryld埃蒙斯, 生物学教授, 24 years; Karen Fry, 办公室/仓库助理, 16 years; Kathy Harkenrider, 经济援助顾问, 43 years; Brenda Joyce, administrative assistant to the vice president for Advancement, five years; Judy Linza, 网站管理员, 40 years; Mary McAllister, 秘书, 总统办公室, 24 years; Walter McConnell, professor of ceramic art,- 27 years; Kimberly O’Rourke, 健康 Center office manager, 33 years; Karen Porter, 社会学教授, 37 years; Joseph Scheer, professor of printmaking, 34 years; Nadine Shardlow, dean of Student Experience, 22 years; Dale Watson, 总, 11年.


Yedvab评论道:“你对学校的奉献是它成功的原因。. “You are the guts and the heart and the soul of this place. 如果你不投入,不把事情做好,在线赌博就无法正常运转.”